
The Heather Garden
Woodlands. Wimborne
Dorset. BH21 8LJ
 01202 824387
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Erica mackayana

Shining Light

Erica mackayana ‘Shining light’

Found on the wetter soils in Connemara, Ireland this author found a new colony in Co.Kerry on a visit. Flowering from mid-Summer to early Autumn, flower colour ranges from white (‘Shining Light’) through to amethyst (‘Errigal Dusk’) and magenta( ‘Galicia’). There is no known gold foliage plant in the species.

Plants will grow to 60cm if left to their own devices but can be easily trimmed to keep under control.

The flowers are held in terminal clusters holding up to 10 individual flowers.

Cultivars of Erica mackayana are not widely commercially grown but is a valued plant in a garden for its Summer display.


Erica mackayana requires an acid soil for it to grow successfully although it can be grown in containers or in beds using an acid or ericaceous compost isolated from the ground soil.

The texture of heavy (clay) soils can be improved by the addition of peat and/or coarse grit

Trim to base of flowering spike after flowering.

Ensure the plants are kept moist during the first year of planting and in dry conditions.

For best results feed sparingly in Spring and early Summer with a general fertiliser.

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