Welcome to the Heather Garden
The ‘Heather Garden’ supplies the widest range of varieties available direct from our extensive specialist heather nursery with the backing of over 40 years growing experience. Whatever your heather requirements, we aim to provide you with our experienced and professional advice in terms of variety and cultivation and to supply you with our best quality plants
New cultivars are sourced from Europe and beyond to extend and enhance the availability making our heather range one of the most innovative and extensive in the country. Our heathers will enhance your garden throughout the year, providing beds of flower and yellow /golden coloured foliage in the depths of Winter and continuing throughout the Summer and Autumn seasons.
Heathers work well alongside other borders, flowers and rockeries. With the minimum of care they can provide an environmentally beneficial display of colour benefiting the bees, butterflies and providing cover for other garden insect and mammals. Whether it is for ground cover, hedging or for planting in tubs or planters there is a heather for most situations and soils, from miniature pin cushion plants to varieties reaching 3 metres (10 feet) .
Whether you require just a few plants or plan for a more extensive planting we are at your service. Please note that the nursery property is not open to public access , it is only open by prior arrangement for the collection of pre ordered plants.
Our Dorset Nursery
Owner David Edge and his...
David's interest in heathers has flourished since his interest was first sparked during his apprentiship in 1979.
This interest developed into a hobby collecting and growing heathers in his parents garden, and then grew into the
first nursery site in St. Leonards, Dorset. David has since released several new cultivars to the market extending the range of heather colours and habit.
... love of heathers
Heather of the Week
Erica x veitchi 'Exeter’
This heather should be thought of as a shrub rather than commonly being described as a tree heather, . The long upward spikes of scented white flowers are attractive to bees and butterflies, opening from March to April. Moderately lime tolerant generally growing to a height of 2 metres (6ft) x 1 m width (3ft).
Trim after flowering by removing one third of the flowering spikes
A selection of varieties are available including a gold foliage variety, please view our availability list.
How to order from us
Phone or Email
We'll answer your questions and help you select the ideal range of heathers to suit your requirements.
Then if you wish to order from us...
... we'll advise you the total cost of your order
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